The way that Feinberg explained the way that the women's lib helped them & often aligns w/ trans lib bc it goes to show that feminism doesn't just benefit women. That might be the main focus, but feminism really stands for equality across all genders & more broadly for all ppl
I also find that for how important bodily autonomy is, it really isn't a priority in American culture. Even if it could save a life, doctors can't harvest your organs w/o your consent. That's out of respect for your bodily autonomy. Yet, there's the pro-life movement
which has more concern for a small group of cells than a grown woman. I often hear about parents who are extremely controlling over the way their kids keep their hair, despite it having no real consequence. They feel that they have the right to harm their children if they deem...
it necessary even. It's odd & concerning to me that Americans simply don't value bodily autonomy. If you don't have control over your body, do you really have any control over your life?
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