I've been meaning to make this thread for a while, but:

One thing that's very deeply, broadly wrong with the discourse, right now, is the conservative sense of ENTITLEMENT to information and conjecture about other people's genitals and sexual experiences.
This is a framing issue and it's present everywhere.

Making an unsupported assertion about someone's PRIVATE sexual activities, things they did not do in front of you or anyone you know, is sexual harassment, plain and simple.

"Well what if someone gets off to CSEM -"

Then either you've SEEN them doing so, in which case it's not unsupported, or maybe what you know is that they *possess* CSEM, which is equally bad *whether or not they have orgasms or genitals*, so address THAT for Pete's sake.)
Even in less drastic situations: figure out what part of your complaint IS a community problem and what part is Nobody's Business.

If your ENTIRE problem is "someone else might have had an inappropriate orgasm where no one could see or hear them" then... don't cross that line.
Because it *is* crossing a line.

And I can't claim to have never done so myself. I've definitely roasted right-wingers for projecting their sexual hangups onto the left and I'm sure I've used invasive language for that, though I've tried to become more conscious of it recently.
(The "edgy" norms of internet shittalk in the early 2000s were already unhealthy, but were still comparatively healthier and more adapted to their environment than they are in the big-box social media age, where every behavioral norm has been deliberately twisted against us.)
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