If she wants this to end then admit what you did Sej. Of course you want to move on, you are in the wrong, you acted horribly. You want to quietly sweep your “bad behavior” under the rug. You lied about me first, so blame yourself. https://twitter.com/luiscabral1721/status/1301647458326335488
I told that to Sej’s brother a week ago and the fucking sicko compared me to a rapist for wanting accountability from her. Just an odd family all around.
If the genders were reversed here and I was the girl everyone would be saying “GO GIRL”

She gets a pass because?????? Just admit what you did Sej. Why is accountability so hard for you? Does admitting you were wrong really shatter your world so much?
She shouldn’t have attacked my character. I am still very upset about that. This right here is pure bullshit. When she confirms this is trash I will stop.
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