(THREAD) After doing research here on twitter, I'm compiling everything I found in relation to the accusation of David Graeber being a rape apologist and defending white supremacy (CW: Rape, nonchalant racism)
David Graeber as an abuse apologist: https://twitter.com/spacecommunism/status/598931887378309120
David Graeber as a rape apologist (same author as above, but in more detail): https://twitter.com/spacecommunism/status/855382494530678784
David Graeber as a rape apologist (different author, more detail): https://twitter.com/PublicStilli/status/855840481019928578
David Graeber doing a "thought experiment" that weirdly apologies for NZ settling/colonialism: https://twitter.com/PatBlanchfield/status/1253717776893698050
This is all I can find. I could find nothing on Google or DDG. If anyone else has anything they'd like to share regarding this (or anything else), comment here so it's all easily findable on this thread. Searching for all this was laborious enough as it was.
And as with anything, the info is just here to be presented in an easy fashion. It is up to YOU, as a free individual, whether to believe (or not) each person (the accusers or accused).

But of course, never to engage in apologism if you believe it to be true but don't care
Death should never absolve anyone's mistakes. We're here to find the truth.
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