I was just released from being arrested for being at #1492LandBackLane

I was sitting on the banks of the Grand River with my auntie/sis. I was literally arrested within feet of our river in my homelands.
The Haldimand Proclamation was made after the Treaty of Paris and after the Sullivan Campaign

Washington and Sullivan marched on Mohawk villages, burning them to the ground and chasing us from the Mohawk Valley for being allies to the Crown
We survived genocide. The Haldimand Tract is supposed to be a refuge, a place of safety for Mohawks

I was arrested on the banks of the river promised for our safety. The honour of the Crown is a joke
Why was I at #1492LandBackLane today? The boys there wanted chicken noodle soup so I made a large pot and filled my yeti to take it there warm. Another auntie made fresh bread to go with the soup. We sat and had a stressful talk, so the boys sang us esganye to lift our spirits
Esganye is a song that honours Sky Woman and all women. The women dance in the way Sky Woman danced when she spread earth across the turtle's back.

They sang using a drum made at the camp. This is what self determination actually looks like. This is what they're criminalizing
I left to meet up with my friend.

When you make lunch for your nephews and go for ice cream with your sister, do you get arrested, settlers?

Do you get released with no ride 30km from your community, no phone, so you have to walk til one of your kin finds where they took you?
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