I’ve been considering this for weeks, but today I have officially made my decision. As of today I will be deleting the Twitter app and will be on break indefinitely. For months now I’ve slowly been waking up to the hypocrisy and double standards surrounding this community,-
as well as it’s undeniable hierarchy and it’s fans that will jump to blindly defend them not matter what they do/say simply because of their “big user” status. No longer do I wish to be a part of a community that refuses to accept any originality and shuns anyone who disagrees-
with someone with a decent amount of followers. The bias here is awful. It took years for Alex to be removed, and even after he’s gone people are still defending him. Someone like Serena who was openly racist and said it was ok to use slurs is praised, yet I’m called a-
monster when I try to call her out. It’s perfectly ok to openly shit talk someone like Sam, Sean or Victor but as soon as you say something negative about someone like Turtles for example, you’ll be instantly cancelled. You can post literal nude photographs of yourself-
to Twitter and be allowed to stay, but if someone who used to draw for TTTE criticizes someone’s drawing that’s too far. I’m tired of all of it. The community has decided who it likes and doesn’t like, and that’s just the way it will always be. People are praised for doing-
the same Trainz remake for the thousandth time, but when someone tries to be original with an ARG pet say, that’s not ok. There is little to no logic to anything done within this community, and as such I am choosing to distance myself from it. I’m aware that some people-
are cool within the fandom, but the bad far outweighs the good. I have plans to start doing TTTE AU horror stories, and I don’t want to be on Twitter to be ostracized for how different they are. I wanted to start doing them after Sodor Mist but didn’t in fear of the reactions-
it would warrant. Anyway, nobody’s gonna read this, and I definitely just wasted 10-ish minutes of my life, but it feels worth it to me. To those of you who don’t hate me, best of luck. ✌️-Rhen
You can follow @RheneasProduct1.
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