Our governor just addressed prescription #opioid abuse with over 3,000 people watching. I am furious. He perpetuated the narrative that opioid pain meds bad and changed brain 🧠 chemistry and highly addictive. We are struggling in our state and our Governors wife 1/
huge advocate for those with #SUD which is great but she is hurting those that have #chronicpain perpetuating the narrative of #PROP and bc of that so is our governor. Most #physicians will not prescribe. The stigma of those inds in ND that have benefitted from 2/
opioid pain meds is huge. So many have reached out to her for discussion but we have not been included. I am furious right now. We have been excluded from this conversation. We are continually being harmed. So mad #RecoveryReinvented in my opinion while assisting those 3/
has incredible harmed those with #chronicpain. We should be invited to the table. 4/
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