pls don't support, the main actress openly support ccp and p0l1ce brutality
wtf bye i'm blocking all of u, r u from ch1na? NO there r diff type of post that they can use to support ccp but the actress in there choose the one thats including support police brutally and the post is "shame of hk u can beat me now" u think its ok to post this??
and for j@cks0n he clearly support ccp without getting control bcuz ue openly disrespect his home languge cantonese by replying someone in his IG comment which i'm quite sure he can choose to ignore it
people here saying she is forced to support police brutality, there r diff types of post that they can use to support ccp, the one that's "protecting the flag", "hk is part of ch1n@" and the one that supports police brutality, AND she uses the shxttest one, lmao
out of all of these post she choose that one, same as eggso L@y btw he posted the same thing in weibo and even in twitter, he posted "shame of hk, u can beat me now" for BOTH platform
oh btw the whole post is "Shame of hk, I support hk p0l1ce, u can beat me now" I forget to put the p0l1ce part lol
Wow kind of suprised that people actually pay attention to this bcuz i never see people talk or care about hk issue anymore. Anyways, I made so many typos in here but I'm gladed that guys understand it lol
proof in here about liu yifei, l@y and j@cks0n w@ng, btw just find out ex0 l@y POST ON TWITTER, INSTAGRAM AND WEIBO about it
and kpop stans don't get it wrong, its not aboit fan war:) i'm not shxtting on them as a group but in person
also if u r not from hk or ch1n@ PLS STOP SPEAKING OVER MY FEELING I HAVE ENOUGH
where r u guys talking about acab.
btw i may go private later if i don't feel safe anymore
I'm blocking everyone who support ccp and think their fave did nothing wrong
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