Okay, everyone. Now that we've hit 1.8K, I want to try something fun and unique that everyone can enjoy.

What would you all say to a big group drawing prompt for anyone to jump in and join -- themed around Miku? 🎵

(THREAD) #IntoTheMikuVerse 1/4
2/4 - This is a neat little group project I'd like to try.
My idea is that we gather up as many artist mutuals as we can and all draw our own unique interpretations of the character, Hatsune Miku. Then, under a common hashtag, we post our drawings on one date/time.
3/4 - I'm thinking of calling it "Into the Miku-Verse" / #IntoTheMikuVerse.
Ideally, I'd love to see as many different interpretations of the character as possible -- different genres, too. Wacky, creepy, cute, abstract -- it's all about variety!
4/4 - Let me know in the replies if you'd be interested, or if you have any ideas, questions or suggestions. I want to help give back to the art community for supporting & following me, and I think a group project like this could be a lot of fun.

What do you think?
You can follow @DreMeMoTo.
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