Hi-ho, @KermittheFrog here! Gee, I sure am excited to recap the latest episode of #MuppetsNow on #DisneyPlus! It's got everything: Mirth! Music! Mayhem! More M things! Unrelated, it also has a cactus wearing a tie. But it is The Muppets, so that's not unexpected.
First up, @MissPiggy taught us how to travel on "LifeStyle"! I'll say one thing: No one knows their way around jet-setting international travel like Miss Piggy. She puts the lug in luggage! #MuppetsNow
Then @TayeDiggs showed up to try exotic foods from all over the world with @MissPiggy – like bugs. Gee, I've never had anyone turn down my mom's famous Shoe-Fly Pie! I guess it's a frog thing. #MuppetsNow
Then, things got rowdy on "Muppet Masters." Walter learned stage combat from our proficient provocateur, @UncleByDeadly! Uncle Deadly is overflowing with talent. He's on a bowling team, speaks Wookiee, and repairs mopeds made between 1972 and 1974. Baffling but true! #MuppetsNow
This was billed as a demonstration of stage combat, but judging by Walter's sleeve, these skills may work just as well as real combat! Note to self: never wear sleeves around @UncleByDeadly. Luckily, I never wear sleeves around anyone! #MuppetsNow
Next up, "Pepé's Unbelievable Game Show" asked the important questions:
🐐 Can you scream louder than a goat?
🤫 Would you tell a King Prawn your deepest secrets?
👨‍🍳 Can you assemble furniture with The Swedish Chef?
The answer to all of them: Why? #MuppetsNow
I promised you a cactus wearing a tie. This particular cactus is named DeeDee and we've worked with her for years. I always make it a point to bring her back whenever we need a little dry humor. (Joke courtesy of @FozzieBear.) #MuppetsNow
Last but not least, "Muppet Labs Field Test"! Dr. Honeydew and Beaker are scientific experts whose talents baffle me – and squash everything else. I tried to get them to be more educational for this Muppisode... but they squashed that idea too. #MuppetsNow
Physical pressure wasn't enough, so Dr. Honeydew added emotional pressure by flattening Beaker's most beloved objects...and his hand. Looks painful, but thanks to Beaker's flat hand I was finally able to get back my favorite pen that fell between my desk and the wall. #MuppetsNow
Can you believe that whole time @GoferScooter had to reboot his computer WHILE uploading? That's the uploader's equivalent of spinning plates while walking a tightrope – which, if @GonzotheGreat had his way, Scooter would also be doing that while uploading. #MuppetsNow
That's it for this Muppisode of #MuppetsNow!

If you have any questions for me right now, @KermittheFrog, drop them here using #AskMuppetsNow and I'll answer a few! And don't miss our incredible SEASON FINALE tomorrow! It's gonna be a good one… I hope.
You can follow @TheMuppets.
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