Gather round everyone, for a quick history lesson!

Today, the term "SJW" is a term white supremacists use to refer to... well everyone in the world who is not a white supremacist really. That usage was of course popularized by way of a massive push from 4chan's nazi population,
starting back in 2014, when the whole Gamergate thing went on, and they needed some sort of derisive term to make their targets sound like the aggressors. "SJW" worked well, because it had already been popularized as a way of describing a certain kind of horrible person.

But did
you know, it was literally the same nazis from 4chan who had created the need for that term in the first place? For years prior a huge number of their stupid little "false flag operations" involved them all pretending to be violent militant out of touch "leftists" taking concepts
and terminology normally used for preaching tolerance and acceptance, and weaponizing parodies of them, which still goes on today. For instance, quoting a friend:

"I have been informed once again (by white folx) that I am not allowed to use y’all as that’s appropriating AAVE."
This describes a troll taking the actual 'social justice' concept "hey, don't appropriate AAVE terms so far out of your wheelhouse you don't really understand them to try to sound hip/be derisive," intentionally misapplying it in an absurd way, "y'all is AAVE," and then attacking
people like my friend here using the resulting nonsense as a "justification" to deflect blame onto fictional "leftists taking the whole thing way too far."

Another example: Actual concept- "Adults sexually exploiting children is a horrific crime." Parody-
And tada, nazis in leftist cosplay have invented a rationalization to attack literally anyone who has ever dated anyone not born at the exact same time of day as a pedophile, then hop back onto their other accounts to point at their own accounts making these attacks and shout,
"See! They're out of control! They'll call ANYONE a pedophile!" And then take a break to enjoy their stash of actual child pornography now that they've painted anyone who calls them out as absurd.

I bring all this up for two reasons. First, because a whole lot of people missed
the boat on all this, and started sticking "Proud SJW" in their twitter bios when they first had a bunch of nazis start shouting at them out of nowhere, and that really muddies the waters to make this other nazi tactic seem more legitimate, so maybe quit doing that everybody.
And second, because... you may have noticed this thing I'm describing as a tactic 4chan nazis were using years ago is one I'm also giving examples of from the past 24 hours. It's still an active thing, and one benefit of this absurd extremist fake leftist disguise it involves is
that teenagers and other people who are really eager to establish an identity and lack the life experience to notice the big blinking sign saying "hey this logic is obvious BS that's like the entire point" keep getting suckered in so hard they not only think nazis spewing this
garbage actually mean it, but that the garbage itself actually holds merit, and enthusiastically dive in to join far right witch hunts thinking they're being some flavor of "good progressives" while doing so. Which leaves them perfectly primed to be indoctrinated into the rest.
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