On the whole, I agree with much of the first half of Hemant's post, but the latter half is far less cogent / defensible. Hemant thinks burning / desecrating the Quran is unproductive and distasteful. I agree. /1
However, while an act being provocative *in itself* doesn't make it worthwhile, neither does the provocation make it dangerous or bigoted. /2
Hemant calls Armin ‘our very own Milo’. I cannot agree. Being provocative in itself does not turn one into a hypocrite, a grifter or a Milo Yiannopolis. By that standard, many activists in all spheres would be branded as 'Milo'. /3
Yes, we may argue that there are more productive ways of engaging with Islam and but that is simply an opinion that I share with Hemant, not fact. One can reasonably disagree. /4
Hemant also mentions the plight of Uighur muslims and the travel ban to give context of why this provocation is especially distasteful. This, to me, was obviously a foul. /5
The (tragic) reality of China’s Muslims does not have any bearing at all on the righteousness of their holy text, or whether it is deserving of any respect or gentle treatment. /6
Additionally, would Hemant agree that it is inappropriate for atheists to ridicule/disrespect Christianity when Christians are routinely murdered, raped and forcibly converted to Islam in the Muslim world? What does one have to do with the other? /7
Additionally, it is hard to ignore that there is a unique burden put on #exMuslims to act in deference to the suffering of the group that seeks to destroy us. /8
Should Hemant and others, following the same logic, hesitate when criticizing ex-Muslims (because we are a severely persecuted group)? No, of course not. We deserve criticism when we are wrong, our persecution is unrelated. /9
Yes, we should stand up for the rights of all Muslims as that is the ethical principled position we adhere to but we aren't obligated to do so, much less to take into account the level of offense Muslims decide to 'take' at any act. /10
Every act today that barely registers with the religious was once obscene and drove murderous religious rage. Something as simple as printing a Quran or translating the Bible risked death. Things changed because we refused to cow to their bullying. /11
Regarding the charge of bigotry, simply because an act or individual gains support from bigots doesn't mean the act itself is suspect. /12
We at EXMNA ran a very positive #AwesomeWithoutAllah campaign last year which attracted the attention of Hindu zealots. Should #ExMuslims no longer celebrate living a life free of god? /13
I disagree with many of the more provocative positions that Armin espouses, and would not take his approach myself. But I also don’t believe that I or atheists at large should fall into the trap of the religious that ‘our way is the only way’ /14
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