Dads not knowing what their children are allergic to, what the name of their school is/their teachers name, their birthday, their hobbies/extracurriculars etc etc IS NOT normal & y’all will NOT sit on this World Wide Web & lie like this.

Ur father is ur roommate & its lazy boo
“Society is too busy pushing men to be providers it leaves little room for them to be attentive fathers” is also a LAZY excuse.

Y’all daddies are not bankers on wall street bitch. Idc even if they was.
& mama not laced up wit round the clock nannies sooo??? It takes a village.
Moms today are working JUST as many hours as dads.
Even being a stay at home parent if that’s the case.. that shit in itself is a JOB. & a nerve racking one.

HOW DARE U bring ya ass home & think u NOT about to help wit homework DAD.

U got the game fucked up. That’s gross.
The whole “my dad provides & lives in the house with me” being enough is gross.

Y’all have lazy bare minimum fathers & it shows.
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