Hey parents? Why are we doing this? I know we love our kids and we're hoping they benefit from this ridiculous school farce we're living, but why are we giving our labor for this for free?
I'm currently teaching 7th, 5th, and 3rd grade AND working as a rabbi. Only one of these jobs do I get paid for.

Why? Why do we think our kids will be the only ones left behind? We'll never catch up to rich people hiring tutors. An entire generation has lost a year of schooling.
Anyone below upper-class has lost a year of schooling.
Recognize that this isn't working. En masse pull our kids out and strike until the government is forced to give us the help we are owed? I don't know, I'm just one overwhelmed rabbi. I don't think that pretending this is working serves anyone, least of all our kids.
The kids need a gap year. We need financial help from the powers that be. We need to take care of our vulnerable until we find, test, manufacture, and distribute a vaccine.
I'm tired of pretending this is working. I'm exhausted by my kids having to perform under these conditions. Of having to perform under these conditions myself. We are in this because our leaders have shirked their responsibility. And we do what? WE work harder.
It's sick. It's exploitative. It's killing people, beyond the destruction of the virus itself. Evictions have started. Many women will be forced to choose their jobs or their children's well-being.

This isn't sustainable, and it's not going away in a couple of months.
Yesterday I saw that thread about Zoom kindergarten, and all of the hilarious and sad things that the little kids said. And while other people were laughing, I heard trauma.

And what of our kids with special needs? They aren't served by this at all, in-person or virtual.
It would be far better to just put everything on hold as a society, and allow our energy to go towards taking care of each other.

And don't tell me that the money isn't there. It is. We're squandering it. Other countries have done much better.
This tweet below makes a really good point, but I want us to understand that what we're doing right now, this piecemeal approach, is hugely destabilizing for any semblance of social order or equity that we were clinging to. https://twitter.com/rogue3/status/1301632144318455809?s=19
We are pumping our middle and lower class energy and our financial and energic reserves into a system that is making an historic inequality gap even larger.
There is absolutely no "back to normal" in the near future. When we get kids back into school buildings and no longer social distancing, we will see enormous problems with untreated trauma and unequal schooling. This is just kicking it down the road.
How long are you willing to put up with this farce? How invested are you in pretending that you're okay? That your kids are ok? How long are you willing to juggle all of this?
I don't think we're at the point where we need to find a solution to industrial schooling yet. Folks, we're still in crisis mode.

But figuring out a way to stop the trauma and continued slide towards inequality? That is valuable. That's what we as parents can do for our kids.
We have compulsory schooling and a public school system. It is not shirking my responsibilities as a parent to want those systems to work. How does it help kids & parents for you to say things like this? Why do you feel the need to defend a broken system? https://twitter.com/JaneofVictory/status/1301635409483628549?s=19
The number of ladies in my mentions who are chastising me for not being everything to my children and for "complaining" is emblematic of a lot of what's wrong with our society.

These people have no idea how to live in a society, a group that is mutually beneficial.
This article. https://twitter.com/_megconley/status/1297906268473098246?s=19
This is exactly where they want you. Because it means they don't have to do their jobs making the hard decisions. Because you're taking the responsibility for the problem upon yourself instead. https://twitter.com/ManeckiN/status/1301653232960172032?s=19
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