Kpop stans quoting this with they don’t support her anymore as if they ever supported her in the past! You never supported her as an artist you will NOT be missed. AOA only had 25 +- stans on twitter and we know who they are. Kpop twt did nothing for aoa except perpetuating the -
hate fuelled by misogynistic and slut shaming middle aged men/women aka the knetz. We begged for y’all to support aoa in the comebacks and not take part in the unfair hate propaganda but y’all never cared. Now we are to believe you were supporting aoa all this time? Don’t kid us
AOA went through a lot, they struggled a lot, they had to bear a lot just to reach the point they start getting paid. If Kpop stans helped support aoa maybe they wouldn’t be badly mismanaged by their company and their internal situation would’ve been better.
elvis deserve truth and deserve to hear the stories from both sides before final verdicts. We supported this group for a long time and believed in them so don’t expect us to throw everything away quickly. We are patiently waiting to hear the truth because we deserve to hear it
we need to know the people who looked tightly knit like a family went through what kind of situation behind the scenes. And why the company and managers stayed silent. We are holding accountable the people who were responsible for these young girls unlike Kpop stans that think
14-18 year old trainees were responsible for resolving this conflict. Hj is the most neutral person in this situation with deep connection to mina for YEARS. Her personal opinion among knetz is not bad at all. She gains nothing from telling us what she did. It doesn’t affect her
personally in the eyes of public, but she is speaking up for the sake of fans who are confused, worried and upset over this situation. Fans who have supported aoa for years and not stan twt. I see y’all making excuses for everything from bullying, bad behaviour, racism, colorism
to what not but when it’s aoa you guys act like monsters. You have no right to speak over a member who was close to the victim and stood up for her many times. Aoa is not a gossip forum.Go and participate in real life issues that directly affect your community and ppl around you
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