Given everything over the last few days, I thought I should give this video a go. I managed 6.03 minutes of this 41 minute Posie diatribe. In that brief (unbearable) time, I learnt that until very recently Posie didn’t know anything about trans. She was, to quote, “ignorant”.
Now, trans people have existed since time began and modern trans cultures in the UK are, well, hardly new. But Posie was at home having all her babies and only “found out about it” 5 years ago; in 2015 . When she did “find out about it”, it made her feel,to quote, “uncomfortable”
Over to Posie: “NOW, I’m not very good at feeling uncomfortable. It’s just something I’ve never been very good at.” She puts this down to being “feisty”. When she’s uncomfortable she doesn’t think she should, quote, “wear it own it, feel it”
As it is “someone else’s problem, whoever that is that’s making me feel uncomfortable”.
Thus, on learning of a whole new THING she wasn’t interested in reading gender history, theory, politics, art, literature in relation to this new THING. Nor was she bothered about talking with people who knew about this THING. Course not, cos, let’s remember, not her problem.
So, as she says, SHE started talking about IT and, as she admits, she’s “never stopped’.
And what the hell is going on with the in-house studio?!?
The colours! The equipment!
Posie is basically a very spoilt person who is stamping her feet because she doesn’t understand. Don’t like it! Don’t want it! But how the hell did this suburban housewife (and she’s very proud of this) get to be taken AT ALL seriously by women who know anything about feminism?
She IS Phylis Schlafly
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