Compare how Britannica and Wikipedia introduce the traditional system of Indian medicine called Ayerveda.

Britannica is respectful.

Wikipedia has no fewer than four dismissive epithets in the first paragraph: "quackery," "pseudoscientific," "protoscience," and "unscientific."
Not long ago, this article would have been regarded as a deep offense against multiculturalism.

But then, the left’s temporary devotion to multiculturalism was never about appreciating all cultures. It was about attacking traditional Western culture.
But now that there is essentially a new globalist culture in ascendancy, the globalists are asserting that and have dropped their obsession with multiculturalism.
Cultures that stand in the way of the ascendancy of the globalist left—whether Biblical Christianity or Hinduism or many more—are deemed problematic, backward, and probably in need of destruction...
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