FFS! Is he *trying* to lose the election? He's addicted to the drug war and should seek help. What a stupid way to fill up all the treatment slots and screw over the people who actually want and need help. https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1301607030889873409
Before @JoeBiden goes any farther with his drug court-treatment-industrial complex, I would like him to explain in simple language where he gets the right to control someone else’s body absent harm to others.
Mandatory treatment for all users is a performative political sham. Treatment needs to be highly personalized & it becomes a farce when politicians try to quickly scale it up. Here’s a 10,000 person treatment scam where prisoners are coerced to mouth the right words...or else. https://twitter.com/sanhotree/status/1225316940505370625
I’m re-upping this thread in the hope that @JoeBiden and reporters covering this issue will catch up with the 21st century and the rest of the world. 👇 https://twitter.com/sanhotree/status/882214676171558913
You can follow @SanhoTree.
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