Oh, for the love of— Look. Last thing I’ll say on the subject. But NOBODY’S getting “watered down”. Do you have so little faith in us as writers you think we can’t come up with a better insult than a rodent?! He’ll call him a dung beetle or a maggot or a cockroach, or... (1/2) https://twitter.com/kevthekings99/status/1301581938038366208
... a dozen other things that didn’t double as slurs. I know you’re all trained on a lifetime of MSNBC vs FOX, and it’s “pick a side”, but all i give a damn about is if it changes the story or...
...character. It does neither. If it did, I’d be the first one raising hell. The story we wanted to tell, we’re still telling. So your “disappointment” is completely wasted on this. Enough with the us vs them crap. Take it somewhere else on Twitter. I hear it’s all the rage.
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