Haha who wants another long thread where I ramble on about a superhero property? Over the next day or so I'm going to be watching the Watchmen movie along with the series. Thought it fitting since I finally read the comic a couple weeks back.
So the movie's started; I had to go to Netflix Australia to get it because it was removed from my country and also DC Universe for some reason lol. I've no problems with it so far; Comedian just bit the bullet.
Ozy is so fucking obviously evil in this why's he look so sinister
Rorschach sounds as mad and delusional as he should be but I'm wondering if that was intentional or if Snyder just thought he'd sound cool
And Nite Owl is a dork very good
Manhattan does not sound at all how I expected
it's ya boi back again rorschach has just been imprisoned i hope they do the stuff with his therapist and how his life gets ruined
snyder is a master at using hallelujah obviously
Don't "no" us Nite Owl; Ozymandias is so fucking evil lmao how is this a surprise
how is there half an hour left. also really like arctic gear nite owl very nice
I don't mind the change in Ozy's plan; it's a good second to the original. I buy the logic behind it; I suppose is my point. Would've rathered big squid thing though.
I didn't hate the movie. Was a very good intro; loved every scene Jeffrey Dean Morgan was in-- but I do miss the subplot with Rorschach's therapist and his personal life. A pretty good stab at the unadaptable comic imo.
I might start the series tonight; and if I do I think I'll keep it to a tweet an episode to not clog this thread up any more. We'll see I guess.
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