What’s going on with #SocialSecurity? Let’s break it down.

In August, @realDonaldTrump signed an executive order designed to suspend payroll taxes through the end of the year.

And he said, if re-elected, he would terminate the payroll tax.
. @realDonaldTrump has pledged in the past to protect #SocialSecurity — but his statement raises *serious* questions about its future.
Just last week, the Social Security Administration chief actuary said if not replaced, terminating the payroll tax would deplete the #SocialSecurity trust fund by 2023, "with no ability to pay benefits thereafter."
Reminder: #SocialSecurity is the largest source of retirement income for most Americans, and nearly the ONLY source of income for 1 in 4 Americans.

Any suspension, reduction, or elimination of the payroll tax puts #SocialSecurity in jeopardy.
We oppose any such efforts.

Our 38M members & all those whose financial future depends on #SocialSecurity can count on us to stand up and protect this hard-earned benefit.

But we cannot fight this alone. DEMAND ANSWERS: https://action.aarp.org/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=00000000.app20109a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=8629
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