anyone want me to live tweet reading Animal Farm by George Orwell?

too bad
this is babe: the book
character check: we have this mf named "Old Major" and he's a boar
Three dogs named Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher and then the pigs. They don't have names
there's Boxer and Clover, the horses
im going to be only writing important shit cause if I don't this is going to take awhile

even tho the books 112 pages which is like a third of Armada which had 368
Major just referred to the barn animals as "comrades"
apparently he hates his life and wants to rebel against people

wonder what peta would think of this book
@Peta what are your thoughts on Animal Farm by George Orwell
5 minutes ago i said I wasn't gonna be making jokes and here I am talking to Peta
anyway yeah they wanna kill man
"man does not give the milk" yeah woman does
ngl I agree with Major this jones guy is kind of a dick
rats are comrades too, pog
Major is about to break into song, strap in
how are these animals going to combat Mr. Jones

more specifically, gun
chapter 2
old major is dead, he died in his sleep

anyway the other animals (the smarter ones) now are wondering when the rebellion will happen

like they don't even know if itll be during their lifetime

was Old Major just some fuckin' guy predicting the future
there's two berkshire pigs named Snowball and Napoleon
and some porkers, one named Squealer

they've invented the teachings of Major into what is called "Animalism" the next big religion that all the zoomers believe in
some raven named moses is talking about this "sugarcandy mountain" where animals go when they die
the rebellion begins in june after Mr. Jones got fucking blackout drunk and forgot to feed the cows
for a better view of the chronology, Major died in March
here are the 7 animalism commandments:
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
and also all animals are equal
they milked the cows and are now going out to get hay
Boxer (big horse)'s motto whenever faced with a problem is simply to work harder
Snowball is basically creating schools to teach rats and rabbits stuff

Clover (smaller horse i think) is trying to learn the alphabet but cant figure out what comes after D
they've shortened the seven commandments for the stupider animals

the pigs seem to be becoming a bit more greedy, taking milk and apples, but perhaps it actually is just for a good cause
anyway there's some other farmers who own farms by the name of "Foxwood" and "Pinchfield"
overtime the animals that arent in animal farm are rebelling

and now Jones and the boys are back for the farm
Some sheep died and Snowball almost got shotgunned, and Boxer fucking beaned a dude and killed him

this was on the 12th of october
Mollie fuckin' ran off to another farm, smh cant commit
Snowball is in the process of learning how to build a windmill
they have officially entered: politics. vote snowball or vote Napoleon

Snowball wants to build this windmill but Napoleon thinks it's a bad idea

because how the fuck you gonna build a windmill
this isnt what old major would have wanted
oh shit napoleon just fucking sicked a few dogs on Snowball and now that Snowball ran away he's taking over control

quote my last reply in this thread again
they have Old Major's skull in the fuckin' barn next to the gun they got during the battle of cowshed in october
and three weeks after kicking Snowball out, Napoleon is saying he's going to be building the windmill anyway

ok then
in reality he just wanted snowball gone

yeah this isnt what Old Major would have wanted
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