"But it's much safer if you're only around kids! They don't catch/spread Covid!"

a) that's up for debate right now, source: science
b) special educators & paras ALWAYS work with another adult: ICT or small class (2+ adults), & paras in class with their kids. (1/x)
My biggest source of rage is that we're being set up as a vectors. We work with adults all day long. Then work with kids who could pick it up from us. Even if the virus only hit adults, we're going back to work with adults. (2/x)
I cannot, cannot, CANNOT be handed the responsibility of avoiding Covid somehow, when our only supposed upside ("only kids, they don't spread it" rumor) is not true for me, and then work with kids who need the most close contact support. (3/x)
How can I sleep at night if someone I share air with, even indirectly, is harmed or killed and I was the carrier that did it? I know I can't prove it's me. But my conscience can't prove it's not. (4/x)
This is true for all special ed teachers, paras, professionals who provide therapies for kids in the classroom. We're all currently trapped like this. The city is insisting we turn ourselves into biological weapons, a minefield of them: you don't know until you step on one. (5/x)
I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling paralyzed like this, knowing that this isn't just me, this is objectively haphazard and I might cause harm. @NYCSchools should expect me to keep fighting. When lives are on the line, not smart to make your workforce feel this trapped. (6/6)
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