Hi just a reminder that having to spend months or years trying to formulate a plan to tell people in your life that you’re leaving their religion is not “normal” and it absolutely sucks that you have to do it and also you’re amazing and brave and more capable than you know. 💜
So many ex-Mormons put in SO much prep work to try and ensure they don’t get cut off from their families and put SO much pressure on themselves to communicate perfectly only to be completely trampled on when they finally share the news.
This includes TEENAGERS who are more intelligent and empathetic than their parents. Teenagers who lose faith in Mormonism years before they’ll have the freedom and rights to NOT participate in a religion they believe is false and harmful, and just have to accept that.
I have so much sympathy for young ex-Mormons who have no choice but to live at home under parents who don’t respect their right to believe what they believe, and who constantly judge and shame them for NORMAL things. TEENAGERS HAVE ENOUGH ON THEIR EMOTIONAL PLATES!
There are so many teenage ex-Mormons who have to accept a life of pretending because it isn’t safe for them to be themselves at home. It’s so sad. They deserve better and healthier.
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