Okay let’s talk about powerful women in stories. Thread.
Sometimes when a character has supernatural powers, we want to know where they come from. What’s their origin story? That’s a natural curiosity.

Some fantasy worlds require this to be explained because of the rules set up within the world.

But usually that’s not the case.
Let’s look at Frozen. The first one.

In that movie, we have no idea where Elsa’s powers come from. She’s just born that way. Sure, we want to know where they come from because no one else around her has them. She’s an outlier in her own world.

But that question isn’t answered
Not until Frozen 2.

Why WAS this question answered? Let’s step back and step INTO the world of Frozen.
What characters IN THE UNIVERSE of that story wondered where Elsa’s powers came from?

If you answered none. You’re wrong.

Elsa. Elsa wondered what the root of who and what she was came from.
Now step out of the movie. How many people wondered where Elsa’s powers came from? A lot. Right?

Sooooo.... did they answer that question in Frozen 2 just because the audience wanted to know?

That was definitely a factor. And that’s fine.
The main reason, was for Elsa.

Her character motivation and growth pushed her to the point of that discovery. It wasn’t some shock reveal thing or something that pushed the story OFF of her and gave her value through another character.

It was part of the story.
The land called for balance, and Elsa was the balance it needed because of who she was. She was special and existed on her OWN. The connection to her mother is important, yes, but doesn’t explain away her power.
This is where films get it WRONG when it comes to female characters having power.

It always has to be explained away some how. There’s a time to explain and there’s a time to just let it be.
Elsas was explained because that’s what she was looking for. It was important to her. Not just important to the audience, but to HER.

SHE went looking for the answers. She wANTED TO KNOW.
It explains her powers in a way where it doesn’t take away from her own autonomy. She went looking for the answers, is in control, and takes ownership.

Mulan and Star Wars are two grEAT examples where the opposite happens.

It takes away from their autonomy.
Rey DOESNT care in universe WHERE her powers come from. Neither does Mulan for her strength.

These things are explained away purely for the audience. It’s nothing to do with the story needing the explanation.
Take away Palpatine from reys lineage. Take away the Chi from Mulan.

What’s left?

Two women who stand on their own two feet, no explanations needed.

If the main character doesn’t need a question answered, why does the audience?
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