Nigerian University Ranking:
It is nice to see Nigerian Unis in the World Ranking, albeit, the positions are somewhat embarrassing.
Few important takes from the 2021 Times Ranking.

(mini thread)👇
One good thing is, if the Unis are ranked, then one can see what areas they lack and how to improve on them. Many people are wondering why other Universities like ABU are not even on the list, are they that bad ? Answer is: not necessarily, but it would be important to know why?
The main criteria used by Times and QS, hover around the following:
-Journal Citations.
-Teaching/Academic Reputation.
-Faculty/Student Ratio.
-International Student Ratio.
-Employer Reputation.
Let's take Lagos State University for case study here, and by the way, Well done to LSU. Whatever that Uni is doing in research, it should keep up! It has a staggering 93.7% in Citations. This is incredible and others should copy. It is on par with Top Unis in the world.
What is the difference between Research and Citation ? the latter is the impact of the research, while Research is the sheer volume of Journals published, here LSU has only 7.5%. So much room for improvement. Gov should provide Funding and Uni should improve on PhDs and Profs.
More money= More labs/Research = More publications= More citations (Potentially). If LSU improves on this and also improve on teaching (12.9 is too bad), I will be very surprised if this uni isn't ranked in Top 200 !!!. BTW, teaching is primarily "Learning Environment"
Let's take Covenant University:
Firstly, I wonder why Covenant has a low index in Teaching, it ought to be better since it is private. Furthermore, Covenant is rather balanced and there is room for improvement everywhere.
Now let's add University of Ibadan, and compare the Private and Public Unis, something obvious will manifest.
You can see the Citation is very remarkable, but Research is very poor. Again, the Public Unis are performing wonderful Research in very small quantity!!!
I was not very surprised to see UI with relatively good Teaching index (better than Covenant)- maybe because the students will not agree (judging by riots I see on Twitter from UI😆).
Covenant has the highest Industry Income, which perhaps answers why Research is high.
I am really curious about Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) and why it is missing in the fog. I have emailed Times and lets hope they reply me!.
PS: LSU = LASU. In my tribe, we have something called the silent "A". No further questions. 🤥
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