september collective messages 🪐✨ apply your sun, moon, rising or venus
keeping your head and heart open to new opportunities coming toward you is key, but there’s nothing wrong if you’re being cautious and looking for other options. no matter what life throws you +
aries cont. — you cannot give up in the face of adversity. there is always another route. don’t worry so much on the planning aspect, go with the flow this time around. you won’t regret it. listen to your intuitions, spirit is trying to tell you something, always. 25/77/122 💗
september collective messages for
taurus — applies to sun moon rising and venus
it seems like maybe you’ve been confused on how to handle a situation, it’s tying up your emotions and you don’t know which way to go. it’s okay to feel lost but taking control of how you feel and +
taurus cont. — but you have to realize that you have the strength to let them know what’s going on and how you’ve been treated. your love is not taken lightly. the grief is ending. realize you cannot feed a others when your own table and plate is empty. love yourself. 15/1111
september collective messages for cancer 💫 apply sun moon rising and venus — you’re almost there. you’re in the home stretch, lovelies. it’s been so hard lately to be patient and realize that you know more in your heart than what your anxieties tell you and to keep reminding +
cancer cont. — yourself that it’s all in divine timing. if you’ve been struggling with friendships and collaboration, try seeing it from a different perspective and separate the truth and take action from there. if it’s not serving you, ask yourself what can you let go of? 33/122
september collective messages for leo ⚡️ apply sun moon rising and venus — it’s about time you use your gifts and talents to further yourself in sept., don’t doubt yourself and remember what is serving you in this time. you are leaving the realm of being comfortable that’s good +
leo cont. — im so proud of you for that. it’s time to be spontaneous but not impulsive, learn the difference between these two. new beginnings are coming for you, so be ready to receive but also patience is key as well. love the darkness within you, let it bloom. 33/565/19
september collective messages for virgo ✨ apply sun moon rising and venus — if you need help, there is no shame in asking others for support. give a little to yourself, give to others when you feel called to, but don’t overdo it. so much abundance is within you, you’re on your +
virgo cont. — way to the fulfillment you deserve but do not cut yourself short and settle for less because it presents itself. there is something else out there waiting for you, you just have to look past all the glitz and glamours. it’s okay to take a breath and pause. 17/133/9
september collective messages for libra 🪐 apply to sun moon rising and venus — september for you means being aware of your impact on others and the universe. you are on a path where you feel rushed but once again planning for ONLY the worst isn’t a good way to go either lol +
libra cont. — by preparing for this, you are setting yourself up for never really moving forward and period of stagnancy that will be hindering the current path and work you have worked so hard for. burn away the past and realize that you are so resilient than you think. 27/111/8
september collective messages for gemini 🌘 apply to sun moon rising and venus — release release RELEASE! whew. there’s a lot of transformation with you this month. you may feel on edge, like there’s some kind of fight. remember that there’s one thing to fight for and it’s your +
gemini cont.— own well being. what is here to serve you and what is on its way? bliss. once you realize what you need to release, what has died and is now returning to earth,see the new flowers blooming. a cycle may be ending, maybe karmic. its okay to cultivate love! 10/21/8
september collective messages for scorpio ⚡️ apply sun moon rising and venus — you’ve been so afraid to let down your walls, it’s time you do so this month. things have not gone the way you’ve wanted, but you have overcome a lot of anxieties and concerns you may have had last +
scorpio cont.— month. there’s a sort of tower moment coming but it’s blocked because you’re avoiding it. you’re avoiding your emotions and not communicating to those who are by your side and that’s not fair. honor yourself, who you are and who and what you stand for. 9/255/228
september messages for sagittarius 💫 apply to sun moon rising and venus — reflection is the theme for this month, there’s a lot to get done within. letting yourself know you are valued and loved is a big part of opening up with others before stepping into something completely +
sag cont.— new. rely on your friends, the ones you can truly communicate with. be careful with your plans, don’t let everyone know, just a select few you trust. it’s okay to lean on people for help, but make sure that you both have a line for boundaries unless stated otherwise.
september collective messages for capricorn 💫 apply sun moon rising and venus — getting in touch with your higher self is good, i’m proud of you for finally communicating your feelings and figuring out where you need to be for this month in your relationships but i sense that +
cap cont. — maybe you’ve been isolating yourself too much. take times for yourself but don’t block out the much needed communication and collaboration w others. embrace your oneness with yourself and the universe. things are coming to your higher self, take the time to receive.
september collective messages for aquarius ✨ apply sun moon rising and venus — do you know how strong you are? i can see there’s a lot of doubt in letting go of something that seems so easy to release. you have such an attachment to this, it’s making you second guess your own +
aqua cont.— choices in the past and it’s affecting this relationship now. this involved someone betraying you, but this person isn’t going to do that. give them a second chance. give yourself a second chance, love. if you’re seeing signs, study them. get on that grind. it’s time.
september collective messages for pisces 🪐 apply sun moon rising and venus — it’s about time you start giving back to yourself. giving the love you so rightfully deserve is needed now than ever this month as you’re making new decisions and setting new beginnings in motion for +
pisces cont.— abundance in the future. do shadow work, communicate what you need and less on what you want. what is truly good for you where you are? where do you want to be? envision your life, make the rest of this year count for you in more ways than one. you deserve love too.
if any of these messages resonated, tip and share if you feel called, they are so much appreciated. thank you for your patience and all of your support, always.
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