I watched that Ren & Stimpy doc, and just as @allnewzbadnewz warned me, it's an infuriating failure. The filmmakers did all the work of interviewing the right people about it, and in the end they still let John K control the narrative once more, pulling punches all the way on him
They talk to just about everyone of consequence who was there, and they still make K's torturous work practices sound like a "difficult genius" situation, they still give credence to the whole "Bob Camp was a traitor" shit, and they virtually ignore any of the Games R&S output
But most despicable is how they treat K's work post-1992. They keep in all this talk of his genius and then give less than 5 minutes to the nearly three decades of absolute dog shit that K directed in the years since. They show a little, but it favors K by not showing more
No footage of him being grilled about how Adult Cartoon Party failed in every possible way, or how even those who stuck by him in 1992 all eventually abandoned him because K is unbelievably toxic to work with, let alone know personally. The filmmakers failed their subject
But worst of all is how they deal with the 2018 revelations of K's crimes. They interview one of his victims but give K far more screentime to tell his side of the story. The man who ruined who knows how many lives & damaged the legacy of countless artists gets the last word
And what's his last word? "I'm human, just like everyone else." Fuck that, a narcissistic abuser in every way given a platform once again to repeat the same shit we've heard for almost 30 years. A waste of screentime to give a monster a chance to try to lessen his crimes
If the filmmakers wanted Errol Morris style "a monster reveals himself through questioning," then they absolutely failed by allowing K's words to frame the story more than any other speaker in the film, and still lending credence to the lies K has been telling since 1992
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