I’m called a liberal “SJW” by “The Gospel” folks & a “Black conservative Calvinist”(a derogatorily from the Sojourners-ish folks) on the same day. When you’re not trying to “build a brand” in a tribe or sell-out “to be heard,” but thinking through the lens of Nicaea, you’re free! https://twitter.com/pastoremase/status/1301347362296782849
Also, when you’re a confessionalist, writing from the perspective of *actual* covenant theology (which is the birthplace of Western political federalism), you become bait for low-church Calvinist fundamentalists who assume they’re Reformed when they’re just 5-point fundies.
These are the same Calvinists, who parade black rappers on stage to “prove” that blacks *finally* have “good theology,” & try to convince black seminarians that evangelical churches are more sound theologically than black churches when theirs are full of Christian Nationalists.
On the other side, the progressive Christians will dismiss you if you don’t sign-on to *only* being a “red-letter” interpreter of the gospels, often choosing to ignore hermeneutics, & post hoc deciding that “the “
least of these” is any preferred American special interest group.
This also means, for me and others, that is tough to find places to publish because Christian publishing sells to largely to ideological tribes. That’s how the market functions right now. It’s hard to find a non-tribal press or magazine platform.
"&" not "a"
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