A relationship question thread!đŸ„ș
Quoted replies onlyđŸ–€
@ your patner to answer it too if you want😝
1) Are you in a happy relationship?
2) What is your definition of love?
3) For those in a serious relationship, how do you know that the feeling between you and your s/o is real and will last?
4) What attracted you to your partner?
5)What excites you most about your patner?
6) With two words, how would you describe your relationship to other people?
7)What do you love most about your relationship?
8)How do you think your relationship has helped you grow?
9) If you could go back to the first time you met your patner, what advice would you give to yourself regarding being in a relationship with them?
10)What do you think are the most important things in a relationship?
11) If your partner cheated, what would be your next step?
12) What’s something you learnt from a previous relationship that you’re bringing or you brought into your current relationship?
13) What have you learnt from your s/o that has changed you?
14) If you’re inlove, how did you realise you were? Explain the moment you realised?đŸ„ș
15) How do you think your life would be different if you hadn’t met your s/o?
16) What is one thing you feel you lack in your relationship and feel you need to work on?
17)When do you feel closest to your patner?
18) What do you think ruins relationships?
19) How does your different upbringing affect your relationship?
20) What made you sure you wanted to be in a relationship with your s/o? What made you choose them?
21) If this was the last time you ever spoke to your s/o, what’s one thing you’d never want them to forget?
22) In your opinion, what’s the hardest thing about a relationship?
23) When problems arise do you give it time or talk about it?
24) What makes your relationship unique?
Leave a sweet message for your s/ođŸ„ș
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