a thread of some birthday tweets for: @peachyxdaniel cause i love her and i always do ♡
#1 hai shell inget bgt kita kenal/mutualan uda lamaaa bgt dr awal ca buka akun ini🥺 sering bgt di jb jb in sampe waktu itu buat gdm trs lo ikut deh, dan jgk grgr gue debutin lo di txtforeggies kita jd sering dm an, nanya ini itu, get to know e/o more lah istilahnya,
#2 dan skrg uda gatau lg uda sedeket apa, dr canggung make aku kamu smpe skrg uda lu gue sampe anjim” an, gakerasa kan ya uda dua bulan kita kenalan, kita deket terus ya shel sampe setahun, dua tahun selamanya, oke? istg im beyond happy to know you, my soulmate🖤
#3 yeaaa hari ini hari dia lahir 17 tahun lalu, wow gurl im so proud of you, syela meris q suda besar🥺 pengen deh ngerayain bareng hiks pgn gue lempar telor muka lo shel asli. hmmcchh pokonya happy sweet seventeen my another self💜
#4 gue berharap semuaaa yg baik baik for both of u and ur life, sehat terus dan paling penting bahagia terus, cause your happiness will be source of my smile, bahagianya gue di lo juga shell. anjai ga bahasanya?
#5 jaga kesehatan, jaga makan, jaga hati wkwkwk, i’ll do always wishing for all the best lucks on earth for every path you’re stepping on🧡
#6 shel jangan kemana mana ya? temenin gue disini terus, awas aja kabur gue kejer smpe mampus. kita saksiin daniel sunoo debut bareng bareng, sampe mereka sukses, sampe mereka besar nanti, kita jd saksinya💛
#7 one day i was praying to Allah and i thanked Allah for letting me be-bestfriend with someone like you💚
#8 pokonya kata kata jg gabisa jelasin sygnya gue ke lo waw merinding, so please keep on ur mind that u have me! always😠💙
#10 So once again, Happy Birthday Shella💜 semoga apa yg diinginkan tercapai, apa yg dimau terkabul, apa yg diusahakan ga sia sia, dilancarin semua urusan, diberi kebahagiaan terus, semoga lo selalu deket sm orang orang baik💜
#11 i love u the most🖤
#12 kita kapan kapan harus mirror selca gini!😠
#13 maaf gabisa ngucapin jam 12 pas gue lama bgt ngetik ginian doang, hadeu
#14 so this will be the last tweet for this thread, just wanna say you’re loveable, i love u for being you are ur self, i’m here for u no matter what will happen in the future, i’ll stay. i should, we should, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE. SAYANG SHELLA SETATA SURYA LEBIH MALAH💝
+ thank you for existing, thank u for being born.❤️
—won’t be the last but not least—
from ☀️ to 🦄
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