*A Thread*

People who follow me will probably notice that I post as much or more about politics than I do about my identity. This is not because I have peace with my identity, my life is in any way in order, or because I don't care about trans issues more broadly.
It's because I believe that we have to work from the bottom up to fix these problem and that basic needs are the first priority to peace, acceptance and justice. Economic instability fuels fear, and this fuels a rise in hate as informed by history.
The monsters and masters know that crimes and injustice against of all of us can be distracted from by feeding infighting among us. Just look at what Trump is doing now in the US to distract from his long list of failures. And it's working....
Arguing for rights doesn't matter when equality just means having the equal right to be quietly pushed into desperation and fear that technically follows the rules. We are ALL at the mercy of a system that treat us ALL like worthless disposable garbage
, and this fact is what is mobilized and weaponized to create a bucket of crabs one atop the other clawing over each other to survive. I want to fight for my right to exist as a trans person, the right to meaningfully contribute to society as a person with a disability
and have the economic freedom to fight for and help others with even less than me, but I can't do that while I'm drowning myself, and I can't ask others to either. This is why I never comment on JKR's latest trans-phobia and instead post about basic income.
Because while people like Rowling do real harm and create a more dangerous world for me to live in, they are the match being thrown on the kindling that is our shared suffering of a system that cares nothing for any of us.
I want to do something about the kindling and thereby limit the fertility of the ability of people like her to start fires in the first place. I believe that only then can we have any chance of creating the world we want to see.
I don't care about the political philosophy that end takes. I don't care about socialism or capitalism or the theory behind them. I want to fight for the specific thing we all need as a stepping stone for any of us to be able to do the work that will need to be done from there.
The prerequisite for any more meaningful change, and that is a #basicincome. How we get there to me is irrelevant. We can't lift anyone up until we force the system to have a plateau on which we can stand on to continue the work not in fear and desperation but in hope
and shared vision in a future that respect everyone. I want to flirt with pretty trans girls on the internet. I want to talk about social philosophy. I want to have pretty clothes and post selfies on the internet and get nice comments from my friends.
I want to support my friends and give them the emotional support they need to be happy. I also want to lift up the issues and lives that affect people with even less than I have. I want to fight racial injustice and stop police from murdering indigenous and people of color.
I just don't know how I'm going to ever do any of those things effectively, in a way that will really make a difference to anyone including myself while I'm drowning and living in fear. I don't know how you can either.
This isn't a shout out, or a fundraising campaign. I don't have a Patreon and I'm not even going to link to my YouTube where I talk about these things in detail. I just wanted to talk for a min about what I think the basic prerequisite for all of our issues are,
the first step in creating any of the change we want to see big and small is to get to a place where any of us don't have to sacrifice ourselves to fight for it. Being forced to make a choice between our own survival and improving the world in which we all live.
Yes de-fund the police, but we don't need more social programs or more charities, we need a basic income and the normalization at a legal and political as well as social level that every single life has value and that just because you can't find a job in the current economy
regardless of the legitimate reason why or the forces completely beyond your control making it so does not mean that your life is forfeit.
That just because volunteering your time doesn't contribute to the GDP as much as some tech job doesn't mean you deserve in poverty.

To me, we must start here with a basic income and the acceptance of basic universal human dignity regardless or we will get nowhere.
You can follow @SelenesMuse.
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