A list of thread on why #AcademicFreezeNOW should be held;

-written by: anonymous (ctto)
Alam niyo ba kung bakit ayaw pa namin magkaroon ng online class? Hindi dahil tamad kami, hindi rin dahil inaartihan kami. No, none of that is relevant as to why we do not want online class.
First of all, various issues regarding the internet. Internet connection is too slow, and will need payment. Some, if not, most can not afford wifi services, much load for mobile data.
Second, the tuition fee. I am aware that wee need a way to say thanks to the teachers and staff of the school and letting them earn income may be a proper way. However, a lot of the student's parents have been cut off from their jobs and their source of income have beem drained.
Some have little to no money to earn. My parents have contacted a slight snag when it come to earning money, and therefore have trouble paying my school's tuition fee that doen't even dare to lower their price even in the middle of this pandemic.
Third, the abscence / lack of mobile devices and/or laptops. As I have mentioned earlier, people nowadays have little to no income left. Some have reached maximum storage capacity of their cellphones and can not anymore save their modules or lesson plans.
Those who have no devices AT ALL resort to rent-even with their lack of funds-cellphones or laptops. And, for what has been trending for the past few days, some students are now selling pronographic materials of themselves for the sake of saving up money for class.
Fourth, peer pressure. Friends have such a huge impact on students nowdays. No one wants to be judged or left behind. Students are aware that they do not need to enroll for this school year.
However, the fact that they will have to wait for a year before they can start studying again as their friends advance may place an impact on the student's mindset.
Fifth, mental health. Back when classroms where still a thing (I say this as if face to face classes have already stopped for decades, lol) students were already faced with burden and were strained to do performance task and homework.
It may sound dramatic, but trust me, it sometimes evoke negative emotions on students such as stress, depression, anxiety etc. because grades weigh more than what it seems.
And the fact that everything is now placed online with this "new normal", everything seems more strenous, more overbearing, more hastened.
Most students do not have the capacity to keep up with "this new normal" aka they are stressed, lacking in metal energy and are too goddamn tired from everything that's happening.
Again, this is not kaartehan or students being lazy to study. If I am actually very lax, I would not even write (or type) this essay. But ever since class started I have been feeling anxious, depressed and above all, tired.
I'm tired doing task and quizzes where information do not even cross my brain. I'm tired by the mere fact that I have to wake up only to be faced with more task.
And my parent's currently can not afford for me to go to school and I have considered cutting back a year. Anyway, thank you for coming to my tiddie talk.
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