Riots aren't spontaneous--especially the ones taking place this year. They require money & organizational infrastructure.

But White people aren't allowed to have organizations devoted specifically to our interests. We're not even allowed to broach it or we're "Literally Nazis!"
But Matt will never suggest that White people organize to defend their interests, or--at the very least--investigate their interests or even speak out for their interests.

Truth is, he probably would deny White people even have interests. Just like his boss at the Daily Wire.
In fact, one of the missions of #ConservativeInc, since its beginnings in the 1950s & 60s, was to condition White Americans that they don't have a racial identity or in-group self-interest. This was essential to selling the demographic transformation of the country begun in 1965.
Before 1965, America was understood by Americans to be a country *OF* mostly White Europeans *FOR* White Europeans. (Black descendents of slavery excepted, of course).
The idea America should be a mostly White nation began w/the Founders & continued well into the 20th century, culminating w/the Immigration Act of 1924 that sought to preserve the "ideal homogeneity" of the country. Note that this policy entirely preceded Nazis & the 3rd Reich.
However, following WWII, various global upheavals & 40 years of communist subversion, Americans were tricked into supporting the Immigration Act of 1965 when they were promised it wouldn't change the racial makeup of the country.

Of course it did & was always meant to. This
takes us back to the launching of modern Conservativism. For 50 years, Conservatism has advanced the notions that "America is just an idea" & "Anybody can be an American."

This new paradigm of thought reduced resistance to the *demographic* transformation of America that was the
necessary precursor to, & driver of, the *political* & *structural* transformations of America.

As you can see, Whites are the only racial group in which a majority uphold traditional core American values, like limited government & the 2nd amendment--born out in voting results.
Even w/these facts & decades of data at their disposal, "Conservatives" still embrace this "colorblind" ideology that has been weaponized against them. The more they lose ground to it, the more they double down on it. But it's a losing battle b/c demographics is destiny.
So reinforced has this "colorblind" ideology of Conservatism become, that Whites have given up all acknowledgement of any shared identity. The irony is, they're literally the only racial group that doesn't believe in it--& it's not even close.
Yet, when confronted w/these uncomfortable truths, their immediate reaction is to dig in & double down on their non-racial in-group preferences, EVEN THOUGH LITERALLY NO OTHER GROUP THINKS OR BELIEVES THIS WAY.

& while they continue basking in their racial neutrality, America
continues getting transformed out from under them.

They worship their "Constitution" while immigrants continue to pour in & erode the culture & values that birthed & upheld the Constitution. Gradually, their rights & liberties keep falling away. The gov continues to grow apace.
Conservatism continues losing battle after battle. Year after year its ideological foes run circles around it.

B/c they refuse to see.l & understand. They care about their feelings over facts--even as they repeat their bumper sticker: "Facts don't care about your feelings."
Quite simply, Conservatives have been demoralized. You'll see many of them share the Yuri Bezmenov videos talking about demoralized societies & how they're incapable of assessing true information. They'll slap each other on the back & shake their heads at those "Democrat fools."
But the truth is, Conservatives have their own blind spot: racial--& therefore cultural--blindness.

Many of you reading this right now will hate me for this thread. You'll disagree w/me. You'll want to unfollow me.

I know the thoughts going through your head & the emotions
You're feeling rn, b/c not so long ago I thought EXACTLY as you do now. I was thoroughly "conservative," through & through. I believed the line:

"Only ideology matters!"
"Anybody can be an American!"
"Only the Constitution matters!"
"We just have to vote for better people."
"I'm only against *illegal* immigration."
"The economy & GDP are what matter & immigrantion drives GDP."
"I'm not a racist, the Democrats are the true racists."
"America wasn't founded as a White country for Whites: E Pluribus Unum!"
"There's no such thing as White Culture."
On & on.

Conservatism will never win--by design--b/c it embraces poison pills that ultimately undermine everything else. It's fatally flawed, since inception.

It was purposely used to replace the classic American Nationalism that prevailed previous to WWII.

A Trojan horse.
Modern conservatism was founded by the Secret Elites, most notably William F. Buckley of National Review fame. This was the principle vehicle of the early days of Conservatism & the main thought leader for decades.

Buckley was a member of Skull & Bones. But, at the time of his
rise to prominence, it was virtually a total secret.

After WWII, there was an immense resistance to collectivism in the USA--which was a real problem for the ruling elites. But how to overcome this opposition?

By controlling it, of course. Thus, the modern conservative movement
was born. And ever since, it's been guided down nothing but a series of strategic, losing retreats conserving nothing.

This fake movement has fooled a lot of us for a long time. The most egregious & prominent purveyors of this phony Americanism have rightly been branded
"Conservative Inc." & rightly so.

But now that enough time has passed, we can see the much deeper & harder truth: it's *always* been #ConInc.
Conservatives have been getting worked by the classic "Inside-Outside" scam:

On the inside, #ConInc thought-leaders inculcate "racial colorblindness," & conservatives are happy to go along.

On the outside, conservatives are attacked mercilessly for being racists--no matter how
colorblind they believe & act. This motivates them to be EVEN MORE COLORBLIND.

But it's never enough & it will NEVER be enough. Even so, the Inside-Game #ConInc agents will still relentlessly peddle even more colorblindness.

Conservatives lap it up to such an extent that they
continue supporting mass immigration--especially *legal* immigration--b/c they

1) believe that anyone can be American
2) don't wanna be called a "racist!"

Conservatives will never win b/c they can't. Forever losing the ideological battles & culture wars were baked into the
cake since day 1.

You may kick & scream, but you cannot deny the facts:

America is being demographically transformed & that's transforming our politics. The ideology of Conservatism has no answer for this.

Sadly, not only does it have no weapon against this devastating attack,
its 1st, 2nd & 3rd reactions will be to continue lying down to get trampled on.

Right now, as some of you are reading this, your reaction will be: "We just have to be better than the other side! Race doesn't matter! Democrats are the true racists!"

& you know what? You're
right--& that's a big reason why they're winning.

Time to stand up for yourselves, conservatives. Shake off the chains. Leave the controlled plantation.

Join #AmericaFirst.
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