debunking weight loss MYTHS; a (short) thread
1) starvation mode - “you’ll gain fat if you restrict bc your body will hold onto it” ❌

no?? your body won’t make fat in the first place if you’re in a caloric deficit... the whole point of restricting is it forces your body to burn fat for energy.. & how do ppl starve then
2) high restriction only works for tall people ❌

not true. if you eat even a little below you tdee, your body will burn fat to make up for the rest of energy you’d need. restriction works for almost everybody period
3) calories are absorbed in the mouth ❌

basic biology here.. no calories get absorbed in the mouth or even the stomach. they gets absorbed in the small intestines. anyone who tells you otherwise is trying a scare tactic on you srry
4) diet coke makes you gain weight ❌

absolutely not true. there’s no such thing as a food or drink that will make you gain weight. the only thing that’ll make you gain fat is eating above your tdee*

*UNLESS you have some thyroid issues
4) fasting is more dangerous than restricting ❌

they’re equally as unhealthy for you. however, you can fast for 24 - 72hrs and be unlikely to suffer long lasting damage. if you take essential minerals, you could go even longer (at your own risk)
5) you have to eat vegetables to lose weight ❌

eating vegetables is good and whatnot for minerals and clear skin but eating vegetables will not make you lose weight. eating at a caloric deficit will. if i ate 700kcal of purely cake everyday i’d still lose fat , just unhealthily
6) you have to exercise to lose weight ❌

nope, your sedentary tdee is probably around 1500 which means you could eat 1000 and lose weight whilst sitting on your ass.
end of thread .. these are all backed by a google search and / or common sense but i didn’t add ss for all of them cuz i forgot yeah Bye
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