RE: Nancy Pelosi's hairdo.

I have a fairly-well off acquaintance from the neighborhood. Before the lockdowns, she spent a lot of money on her hair. Straightening, blow-outs, color, the works.
You know what she did when the quarantine started to drag out? She had her hair cut fairly short, then learned how to color and style it by herself.

In other words, she made the best of it. She made some sacrifices. She carried on. Just like tens of millions of Americans.
I'd say the vast majority of Americans made some sort of adjustment to their personal lives. Some of them were big, some were small, but nearly everyone did what they had to do. They listened to the politicians and the CDC and the experts.
Now, in the grand scheme of things, Pelosi getting her hair done isn't the biggest 'fuck you' given to the American people by the corrupt power-mad ruling class.

It's not like she got her elderly relative out of a nursing home before stuffing sick COVID patients back in.
But, in another sense, Pelosi's BlowOutGate is a glaring reminder of the fetid rotten nature of the political class.
Think about the absurd corruption at play here. Nancy Pelosi, and her comrades in the California power elite, forced countless industries and businesses to close down. Many of these companies are dying. Many of them are dead.
Pelosi then procures the services from one of the companies that has somehow managed to survive the lockdown. When somebody points out how corrupt and hypocritical she's being, San Fran Nan then demands an apology from the business.
To add injury to insult, Pelosi's followers then issue death threats against the business owner.

The whole sequence is a stark reminder that our elites are actually a pack of classless greedy low-lifes.
Our political class can demand that you bankrupt yourself. They will issue mandates determining what businesses are essential and non-essential. They order you to not visit your dying relatives as they pass away alone. They will seed COVID patients among vulnerable populations.
Then, when you notice that the sacrifices and adjustments and losses and destruction only goes one way, that the political class won't even make small changes to their personal or financial lives--you're the problem that demands forceful immediate punishment.
When you observe and report the corruption of the political class, this is how they react:
And it's not even Pelosi's repellent hypocrisy that's the worst part of it. Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows politicians say one thing, then gleefully go and do the exact opposite.
Pelosi getting a blowout isn't about double standards. It's about the political class capriciously and callously exercising their power over Americans after the elites demanded that the citizenry make sacrifices great and small for the good of the country.
Pelosi having her hair done is rubbing America's face in the dirt after the nation willingly put itself in Corona Jail for six months. It's a slap in the face after a kick to the groin. It's a reminder that we were chumps.
Political Elites: You have to make sacrifices or the country will die!

America: Okay, we'll come together and do it.

Political Elites: Suckers!
You know what would've been cool and patriotic and unifying? Seeing America's rich and powerful make real cutbacks in their own lives. I'm not talking about quarantining in a 20k square foot mansion with three personal chefs, a nanny, and a trainer.
If Nancy Pelosi had spent the last six months letting her hair go gray, not getting haircuts, etc, the people would've noticed it. They'd notice that she was making a sacrifice, putting aside her vanity, making an adjustment to her lifestyle during a tough time in the country.
Folks would've appreciated those kinds of small, but still meaningful, gestures from the elites. It would've created some goodwill between the powerful and the plebeians. It would've been great for America. Dare I say, it would heal some of the rifts in our society.
Sadly, you'll have to imagine a political class that would actually make do with less.

Just know that, when the chips are down and the elites demand that you cut back, they will vote themselves more money, more power, more perks, and more glamour.
Even better--Not only will the powerful abuse all the rules to benefit themselves, they'll go out of their way to destroy you if you the temerity to point out their petty dictatorships.
Never forget that, when times were tough, our political class showed us just how much they hate us.
It's a cliche, but it's true: Small businesses are at the heart of the American dream.

The pandemic lockdowns have shown a lot of folks the truth of that statement. When those shops and stores and restaurants die, they take pieces of the community away.
BREAKING: The rarely seen "Republicans Pounce/Double Standards For Women" Democrat Media talking point combo platter.
White-knighting for the most powerful female elected official in American history is Fallon living his best life.
America's Newspaper of Record
Perfect protest.
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