this or that: buffyverse edition
quote with your answers!
which show?
which intro?
which gang?
welcome to hellmouth or city of?
chosen or not fade away?
once more, with feeling or waiting in the wings?
hush or smile time?
giles’ apartment or cordelia’s apartment?
sunnydale high library or angel investigation offices?
uc sunnydale or hyperion hotel
the initiative or wolfram & hart?
spuffy or cangel?
bangel or ruffy?
giles or wesley?
dawn or connor?
drusilla or darla?
sprusilla or dangel?
funn or fresley?
the master or adam?
tillow or frillow?
glory or illyria?
xander or doyle?
killow or cordoyle?
cordelia in btvs or cordelia in angel?
willow or fred?
faith or harmony?
sunnydale or la?
anya or lorne?
xanya or weslah?
prof. walsh or lilah?
buffy or angel?
end of thread x
if you did the whole thing ily and remember to praise buffy summers today
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