💯 https://twitter.com/sentedcruz/status/1301203239140954112
This whole trend of claiming pregnancy is a life-threatening illness is so disingenuous. It’s nothing more than the abortion industry’s ad campaign that seeks to coerce women into paying for abortions out of fear.

Aside from the flat-out lie of calling pregnancy an illnesses or a disease, it’s not even life-threatening in more than a fraction of a percent of instances. Inducing abortions doesn’t save any lives, but it does fill the wallets of those who profit from the homicidal act.

According to the CDC (2017), these common activities have much higher annual deaths than the 700/yr for pregnancies: crashing a car (40k/yr), falling (36k/yr), choking (5k/yr), & drowning (4k/yr). If any of these were deemed “life-threatening”, no one would leave home.

If abortionists genuinely believed pregnancy was life-threatening, they’d advocate for abstinence or sterilization, not pushing for removal of any & all laws & regulations surrounding induced abortions.

They also wouldn’t tell women to lie to emergency room staff that dangerous post-abortive issues were the results of natural miscarriages. If abortions are “safe”, then why lie?

When a pregnancy is deemed high-risk, a legitimate physician will closely monitor both patients to best see the pregnancy reach its natural conclusion. Only a fraud will claim that intentionally killing a human being is a legitimate course of treatment.

Here’s an earlier discussion on women who die from induced abortions vs. women who are saved by them. I’m currently writing it as a longer article w/ several additional citations & statistics.

https://twitter.com/dsipaint/status/1295528806757924865?s=21 https://twitter.com/dsipaint/status/1295528806757924865
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