Just watched the vid. Major disappointment. But he acknowledged all his mistakes, apologized, n repent. Who r we to judge? (For the crime I hope he's punished accordingly tho)
I mean, yg lahir2 Islam pun ramai yg hanyut, even lg teruk. Apetah lg yg br nk belajar
Pastu dpt attention from around the world. Clouded from the fame, n lifestyle sblm Islam pun terbawa2 lg.
From the vid nmpk dia still percaya Islam. I mean lepas dia study all the things xkan hati dia xterkesan langsung? I believe ada, walau pun sikit dlm hati dia utk jd-
Muslim yg baik. Maybe Allah dh dtgkan hidayah kt dia. Tp dia bongkak, busy dgn fame n money so niat dia dh jd xbetul. I hope this trial really makes him repent n be a real good Muslim. Well r we a good Muslim?
Sape yg xpercaya tu just don't support him. Else doa baik2 je 🤷🏻‍♀️
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