First off. Teachers know that no student is getting anything through online classes but still many of them try Thier very best which is really appreciable but when they talk about how we should be studying 24/7 at home because we have the time, that's where I draw the line (1/5)
How do you know what's happening in one's house for you to tell them to study 24/7 at home. obv not actual 24/7, but if you decide to pressure us with numerous assignments which consumes Upto 5 hours of students, that's where you're so wrong (2/5)
You don't know what kind of shit students are going through at their homes. You don't know there are students who suffer from anxiety and stress and can't keep up with loads of work you give (3/5)
Lastly, stop thinking that we aren't trying our best Because we are. Education is not something which we can achieve in our comfort zone. Please stop pressuring us. (4/5)
This thread is not directed towards any single individual and by any way is not trying to generalise every situation. Thank you. (5/5)
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