The reward for David slaying Goliath

Is wrestling w/ Saul

The reward for Daniel’s diet in Babylon

Is to later face a lions den

Every battle eventually leads to a bigger one

So more important than storing joy

Is living with the source of it
The reality is that every answered prayer just leads you to praying another one

So what if instead of getting joy because God answers any singular request

We found joy in the unbelievable honor

Of being able to ask at all
The greatest gift of a marriage is not money or houses or cars

It’s the marriage

It’s the relationship

That good or bad, someone is in the lions den with you

And when you feast, you can set the table for two
Rather than the blessings being determined by God’s presence

Believing that God’s presence IS the blessing

The joy of the Christian is bigger than any one answered prayer

It’s to live in a perpetual relationship w/ GOD HIMSELF

That is the Rock we get to build our lives on
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