"If we change our energy consumption away from Blood (Blood Is Oil, FACT)their will be a profound change in the spirit animals land Maps.100% guaranteed results of this.We control the Maps based on needs for natural resources!The 1's that can read the Spirit Maps know!"

Map Lion
The reason the Maps of the past look different is cause our demand and creation of natural resources back into the land changed!!! We made that change. We create natural resources back into the realm. Top level contemplation!!!
This thread will prove without a shadow of doubt the animals blood and natural resource creation makes the land. Now we change our consumption and demand the Maps will change. Elephant Seals broke the secrets wide open https://twitter.com/EarthIsARealm_/status/1267936745393446915
This thread really is the Next level people have been craving!!! But I can't force one to drink the woke water. I can bring it to the table. One must decide themselves if they are ready to drink!!! Learn the spirit animal maps. It will raise those cheekbones so High!
Map Lion
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