Thread on good communication in relationships:

The problem with mental health issues & stuff like C-PTSD is they don't foster good communication skills. I spent a lot of my life being afraid of conflict, so I often avoided the tough conversations with people. But not anymore!
I had a chat with someone yesterday and took the time to bring up some concerns. This looked like:
"I'd like to talk to you about something on my mind."
"When this happens, I feel like-"
"I'm wondering if you can help me clarify where we stand on this."
"You are important to me."
And we had a healthy, productive, caring conversation about things. It was so good.

I left feeling like our connection was stronger, that we had clarified some of my worries, and that good communication is even more important than I had realized.
I've lost friends in the past because I've refused to communicate out of fear or judgment, have let resentments build from misunderstandings, have blown things completely out of proportion in my mind. I've also had people do the same to me, even recently. It's so unnecessary.
Social media makes communication even harder. We can't see body language, we can't hear tone. We're also quick to divide ourselves into puritanical "right" and "wrong" groups with no room for talking, learning or forgiving. We need to change that because it's costing us dearly.
By working on ME, I'm better able to build relationships with YOU - both online and off. All my relationships since my trauma treatment ended have grown stronger. My online interactions have been healthier. Things are changing.

Allow yourself room to grow. It feel good. End.
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