So, nobody decided to pay me for my thoughts on Paradise Killer, so instead I'll just be rambling here and fielding questions, as the embargo just lifted!

It's a vaguely Danganronpa-inspired, Suda51-tinged murder mystery detective adventure, out tomorrow
I had a great ~12 or so hour time with it, and I think I got the best ending, if there is such a thing? See, you can opt at any time to just go straight to the trials with whatever evidence and testimonies you have. The game could be under an hour long if you really wanted.
I would not recommend rushing it like that because Paradise Killer is DENSE. It's a story of lovecraftian cults and mass sacrifices and millenia-old ambitions, but everyone is super hot (even the goat) with layers of history that your character has or hasn't been involved in.
Yes, everyone Jojo-poses. The character names are pure anime excess. The British-voiced protagonist has 'Nani the hell!?' as one of her voice lines. One of the suspects is a magical Blood Skeleton.

It is eldritch horror filtered through a glam weeb lens and I am 110% for it.
I feel that the game sagged a little in the final stretch for me, but that's because I was being a daft completionist, trying to explore absolutely every little corner of the island, unearth every secret, and exhaust every dialogue. Most players won't do that. I hope?
When I say Paradise Killer is part walking sim, I mean that a very large part of the game is just sightseeing around a slightly chunky, low-fi island, searching for collectibles, chatting with a small cast of characters and completing some little hidden side-missions. Super mild.
I do recommend not being stingy with your money. Even when I was abusing fast travel constantly and buying every single item I could find in the game, I finished with about 25 Blood Crystals (the unit of currency) left over. Most things only cost 1.

Tip: Foot baths are ESSENTIAL
Even though I didn't have a deadline and no reason to rush it, I spend two mostly sleepless nights hammering my way through Paradise Killer. It's extremely compelling, weird, sunny relaxing fun.

Seems I'm not the only one who thinks so. Gamespot dig it.
One thing I'd like is perhaps the ability to teleport or fly around when you're in that final clean-up phase of the game Also maybe a little more epilogue, because I wanted to know what my decisions led to. But it's a vivid enough world for my imagination to do the heavy lifting.
Anyway, in short, Paradise Killer is a very weird, chill, summery game that tackles usually dark and squelchy subject matter in the brightest, most cheerful manner. It's a trip, and you should play it. I highly recommend.

If you've got any questions at all about it, just ask!
Years ago, Undertale put forward the question: Can a skeleton be sexy? Can a goat be hot?

Paradise Killer answers with this:
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