To better explain: I’m furious that the writer that put this spotlight on me is letting this disgusting shit get posted freely, which is MASSIVELY dangerous. Enabling harassment and mis-truths at best.

So let me clarify what I did because this isn’t even accurate
I played Fall Guys as I normally would and redirected my controller vibrations to a vibrator. Two or three times at the very start, I grabbed another player while testing the vibration effects, until *minutes into the stream* I realized I was grabbing another person, so I stopped
I apologize for this. It was, and is, wrong. Which is why I stopped within minutes and addressed why others should be careful when using this technology
What I did is massively different than joining lobbies and incorrectly playing the game to force people to jerk me off. I never did that. I streamed FG playthroughs with rumble effects going to a vibe. The article’s video shows me using it solely b/t my tits
There was a lot of good faith feedback and criticism about this project, I met it, I owned the mistakes I made, and I still do. I would not do this again.

I’m not going to let myself be dragged down in the fucking crab bucket over an opinion piece.
& I see all you transmisogyny exempt queers hopping onboard to get a shot in. This is just like the shit with Ginny all over again: I fucked that up but I was manipulated, lied to, strung along by her too. Yet I wasn’t given survivor status because I’m a fucking trans woman.
Yeah I see you liking tweets 🥊 🔪 crew. Trans women can’t be allowed to fuck up or make mistakes or have regrets of fall gracelessly b/c y’all waiting to take the shot.
Whew if you’re pub or media circle has zero transmisogyny affected people maybe you need to own that instead of nodding along to the transmisogynistic cancellations, but that’s a discourse for another time tho.

If I promise to do better you all have to as well. Peace out
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