Hi! Friendly OB sonographer and loss mom of two that I had to deliver stillborn due to fatal fetal losses. Mifeprex in addition to misoprostil can be used to induce labor for abortions, yes but also in my case. It can also expel remaining tissue in miscarriages. 1/ https://twitter.com/sentedcruz/status/1301203239140954112
As someone who cares for women who have had first trimester miscarriages, I am knowledgeable about this use. Women may have to have a D&E of the remaining tissue (or even intact embryo w/o heartbeat), but most women would rather have a pill. 2/
A D&E can be emotionally taxing and some women have to take anxiety meds to calm down before. The pills, when used together are effective at reducing infection rates. And why make a miscarriage harder than it already is? 3/
Mifepristone and misoprostil are the gold standard of treatment for induction of labor before 24 weeks with IUFD-intrauterine fetal death. Stillbirth. If you condemn this pill as “dangerous”, women will have to undergo even more dangerous surgeries to get the baby out. 4/
So you’d be affecting women who have first trimester miscarriages, second trimester loss and second/third trimester stillbirths. Oh, and the problematic statement of “pregnancy isn’t dangerous”? Tell that to the highest mortality rate in a developed country. US. 5/
Tell that to the black women who die at a rate 3-4x their white counterpart. Tell that to the Texan women who have the 8th highest maternal mortality rate in the US. 6/
How is a lack of empathy for women in the above situations pro life? How is it even pro birth? You sound callous. /end
One of the highest rates among developed nations.
Just another example of how far we have to go to catch up with the rest of the world.
Oh but pregnancy is not life threatening. Tell that to Black women.
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