This is so incredibly bleak that I am still thinking about it a few hours later, but I think it is also helpful as in one image we have a perfect distillation of the conception of capitalist realism.
They aren't offering us anything new because they can't, so instead that are attempting to create a sort of nostalgia around the things that are inarguably the worst aspects of working in an office. The things on this list are either a) things you can do at home, or b) dire.
Plastic plants? Dire. Having to pretend that your boss is funny because your pay cheque depends on it? Dire. Ready made sandwiches that cost a fiver? Dire. The hideous office decor? Dire. Bants? Not something that we all actually get to enjoy, mate, and also DIRE.
If I want to put on a tie I can. You think I am not CCing people at home? That email mistakes no longer exist? Hell if you are going to make me sit through a meeting at least I get to do that with my cat now. You are telling me to attend meetings sans Cabbage? No.
But this is the thing, they have lost the mythology that this is how things *have* to be, and therefore we have to all live crushing lives of grinding despair because there is no option. Having lost that mythology they now want to tell you that you actually liked all that.
This is all that there is on offer. There is no other. The goal of this system is to make you happily risk your life so that Pret can turn a profit next year and all the government ministers who own shares in office buildings can continue to earn a "passive income"
This isn't even getting into what @tinyredbook has pointed out, which is that this list tells you that receptionists are objects or experiences like plastic plants or watercooler gossip. They aren't people. Only the people they work under count.
They can't even pretend that things will ever be better for you. This is all they have. And they have the audacity to act like we are stupid enough that we will swallow this tripe. If it's so good why do you have to try to sell me on it?
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