This is literally them saying that without the ability to control us, they won't want a deal with us because they think that will scare us into being controlled. Why would it? They are clearly worried about the threat of an independent UK. When we voted leave they said...
That the "red lines" meant all we could have was a simple FTA, and it would be one "off the shelf" - so why are they changing that now? They must know we are not going to agree to ECJ oversight, or continued rule taking (following), yet apparently the EU had no control over us?
The EU that had no say over what we did (When you speak to some remain voters) now won't do a deal unless they remain CONTROLLING what we do - they call it a "level playing field" I call it "trying to have your cake and eating it" - they are acting in bad faith, and it shows...
...the EU for what they have always been. A group of federalists that want to control all aspects, but need to do it without allowing the people of Europe a say, and do it in such a way that by the time most realise and wake up, it is too late (The single currency huge move...
...forward in completing a lock-in for the states that choose to use the Euro). The EU are pushing for a no-deal, as the UK has maintained the same position on the end state for a long time now, they know this, and are desperate. No Deal, won't be stopped now, it is over.
Especially now they are openly stating that they don't want the UK to have an "advantage" - I mean how horrible, being able to buy cheaper food and clothes. With a stronger economy, insulated (a lot more, but not completely) from the fall out of the collapse of the Euro! #NoDeal
Lastly I would argue that as the EU have acted in clear bad faith, the WA is null and void as well. Citizens rights will be protected (and there always has been protection in international law here - plus the ECHR still has it's say both sides!) the irish border won't change...
...and the billions we were going to pay them. Nope. No need now. It is ok, let us know who has a pension and I agree we take over and pay that, but as for "future liabilities" not a chance, save that money and do what the EU fear most - pump it straight into OUR economy!
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