Unpopular opinion: I don't like the interview question "What do you do to improve your cybersecurity skills outside of work?" If anyone asks me this, in protest, I will answer "Sit on my ass and watch Netflix and eat cookies so I can come back the next day and crush it."
I think this question perpetuates the unhealthy notion that we're expected to work all the time. Sure, I work a little on nights/weekends if I feel like it. But this shouldn't be expected. Some people can't do this. You can show passion DURING WORK HOURS.
I know for people getting into the field, they may have to put in extra time, especially to make a career transition. URMs often have to put in extra time to prove themselves. That's not fair to make that mandatory. That is so difficult, and you have my utmost respect.
So - let's not make this tougher by asking this question. How about the more general "How do you keep learning and improving your skills?" This gives everyone room to answer it in a way that makes sense for them. /end rant
So, uh, apparently this isn't as unpopular of an opinion as I thought...and people have lots of thoughts on this!! I love this discussion, thank you all for your perspectives. I don't have time to respond to everyone, but I appreciate you all. ♥️
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