Multi-trillion Dollar Mystery: Why the CEOs of chain hotels, airlines, restaurants, cruise lines, theaters etc. - with all their resources - passively sat back and let garbage science fronted by a fraud with a 36 year track record of getting it wrong decimate their industries.
And their bankers cared so little about getting paid that they didn't have a couple of mil to put all the Nobel Prize winners, Ivy league professors, genuine medical luminaries who called BS on this in a room together for a press conference?
Let's add hospital groups, cultural institutions, institutions of higher learning, owners of commercial real estate, advocate groups for the young and the elderly, social service charities, associations of physicians, mental health workers, social workers. All gutted. All silent
I've long felt that "consensus professionals" - the people who "go along to get along" regardless of the harm it does their clients - are dangerous to your health and wealth. It never occurred to me how dangerous they were to the future of humanity.
And by "industries", I'm including the welfare of the tens of millions of people who work for them and the hundreds of millions of people they are theoretically in the business of serving.
And the world of "edgy" "alternative" "independent" "investigative" reporters. Where the f*** are these people? A child with a calculator can drive a Mack truck through this BS story in five minutes flat. What's the hold up?
Anyone who thinks corporate CEOs are running the world needs to rethink that. What they really are are people who are profiting by running the world into the ground.
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